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Universal Commons Exchange (UCX)

Bringing Social and Natural Capital into the market

A key component of the Universal Commons is the Universal Commons Exchange (UCX). This is a specialised market that will enable individuals, organisations, businesses and governments to lease and trade in the Social and Natural Capital (S&N Capital) they wish to either use or improve.


The S&N Capital will be listed in the form of Asset Classes representing one dimension of S&N Capital, such as clean air or community trust. Each of these Asset Classes will become products that can be invested in or traded.


​The UCX performs three primary functions:


​1. Measurement of S&N Capital.

Engaging and rewarding organisations for measuring S&N Capital to produce a living account and to accurately assess the total amount available for trade on the UCX.


2. The leasing of S&N Capital.

Those enterprises that improve S&N Capital will be rewarded with virtual tokens representing that improvement.


3. Trading in S&N Capital.

Those enterprises that have earnt tokens representing improvements to S&N Capital can trade them on the market in order to generate revenue. Those who wish to invest in improving social or natural goods can purchase these tokens knowing their funds are flowing to the organisations that have improved them. Those enterprises that degrade S&N Capital in the course of business can purchase tokens to contribute to its restoration.​

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